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情報標題:微軟表示Windows 10將於2025年10月14日停止支援 Microsoft says support for Windows 10 will end on October 14, 2025 情報來源: 情報網址:https://bit.ly/2U4hgtN 情報完整內文: With a new version of Windows, potentially called Windows 11, scheduled to launch by the end of this month, Microsoft has announced that support for Windows 10 will end on October 14, 2025. Microsoft has listed the EOL (End of Life) for the Windows 10 operating system for both Home and Pro versions via its website. It means that the latest updated version of Windows 10 will cease to be supported for updates and security as the company pushes towards its newer OS (operating systems) offerings. When a company stops updating an operating system, referred to as End of Life (EOL), it usually means that the operating system is essentially dead, and users will be encouraged to move to a successor. At the moment, Microsoft has not yet officially stated what the next generation of the OS would be called, although they have been hinting at it being Windows 11. Microsoft is hosting a special event on June 24 where there is likely to be an official announcement regarding the successor of Windows 10. The event will kick off at 8:30 pm IST on June 24, 2021. Microsoft confirmed this news via its official Twitter handle. At the Microsoft Build 2021 event, the company’s CEO Satya Nadella confirmed the next-generation Windows update would be the most significant one of the past decades. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, during last month’s Build 2021 conference, said, “Soon we will share one of the most significant updates to Windows of the past decade to unlock greater economic opportunity for developers and creators. I’ve been self-hosting it over the past several months, and I’m incredibly excited about the next generation of Windows.” Windows 11 is expected to get a major UI overhaul. It is reported that Microsoft has also been working on a new app store for Windows in recent months, and rumours have suggested Microsoft will open its store up to all apps and rival payment platforms. As far as the Windows 10 retirement is concerned, it is likely that the Windows version might last longer than 2025 as people often take quite a bit of time to upgrade from one Windows operating system to another. Microsoft will likely give extra time to people to migrate over to the new operating system. ----- - Windows 10家用版和專業版都會在2025年10月14日停止支援。 - 雖然新系統還沒確定名稱,但可以確定的是新系統將不會是Windows 10的加強版或 更新版。 - 有消息指出微軟也在創造一個新的App Store。 ----- 沒想到Windows 10也要結束了。感覺好像才剛出來而已... 以前有人說Windows一代好一代爛 Windows XP -> 好 Windows Vista -> 爛 Windows 7 -> 好 Windows 8 -> 爛 Windows 10 -> 好(?) ... 我自己是不討厭啦 Windows 11(?) -> ...真令人擔心 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (加拿大) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Windows/M.1623617660.A.364.html ※ 編輯: bakedgrass ( 加拿大), 06/14/2021 04:56:55
ksng1092: xp是爛的,到xp sp2才能算好,然後8.1跟8也不能混為一談 06/14 05:22
ksng1092: 另外vista到了sp2也很好,這跟xp是一樣的 06/14 05:25
ksng1092: 更不用說win10...已經那麼多版了21H1跟初版早就是不一樣 06/14 05:28
ksng1092: 的東西,所以一代好一代爛這種說法實在經不起檢驗啊XD 06/14 05:28
確實... Windows中間的改版很多都是大改。 98SE, Win 8.1 ...
smallreader: 10: 2015~2025+,7: 2009~2021/1 壽命這樣也差不多了 06/14 05:44
smallreader: 結束7之後發表11,再過5,6年也要順其自然發表12了XD 06/14 05:51
smallreader: 像mac也是10.15跳到11,有種和蘋果互相跟進的意味 06/14 06:01
MK47: 從高中期待他把中文渲染像mac看齊 現在我都三十了還沒改 希 06/14 08:12
MK47: 望下一代能寫好....... 06/14 08:12
※ 編輯: bakedgrass ( 加拿大), 06/14/2021 09:49:35
bartwang: XP到vista之間還有一個ME 06/14 10:17
Ryan908: 先把中文輸入搞好吧....orz 06/14 10:22
LiaoKen02: XP和Vista中間那哪裡有Me... 06/14 10:36
LiaoKen02: Me是Win2k之後出給家用使用的作業系統,後來才有用NT 06/14 10:36
LiaoKen02: 核心的XP,再來才是Vista 06/14 10:36
MickeyHowl: 就跟獵人蟻王篇結局好到忘了過程有多爛 06/14 10:39
rockmanx52: Me是Windows 4.8 直接承接98的 06/14 11:20
rockmanx52: 但不確定是不是因為後來改名為xp的Win2K Home生不出來 06/14 11:20
rockmanx52: 才另外作的就是 06/14 11:21
DINJIAPC: Do 內核是用伺服器的2000做的 06/14 12:05
DINJIAPC: 並不是和2000一樣的東西 06/14 12:05
canandmap: XP就直接到vista了,ME是與2000同時期的OS但兩者不同 06/14 13:41
ltytw: ME的版本號是4.90 2000已經是5.0了 我常常在考古所以略 06/14 16:18
ltytw: 知12 06/14 16:18
ltytw: 98的版本號是4.10 所以ME是微軟當作過渡到2000/XP的系統 06/14 16:19
taipoo: 真的覺得沒必要把Win10換掉,可能愈換愈糟糕,多此一舉了 06/14 16:47
rockmanx52: 2K是NT5 XP NT5.1 SERVER 2003 NT5.2 06/14 19:33
rockmanx52: WINNT跟Windows核心是完全不同的東西 06/14 19:34
DINJIAPC: 可理解為何叫2k home.但是還是差很多。我所知道是長腳 06/14 20:13
DINJIAPC: 拿xp改兩版就崩潰最後只好拿5.2內核來修正成6 06/14 20:13
zonppp: 10 都還沒用習慣 就被宣告死期 06/14 21:33
pda2001: 使用預覽版的感覺 介面應該不會差太多 就vista→7的差別 06/14 22:57
ANiZan9991: 介面會改,幅度類似7轉8,照文字描述我猜是走智慧型 06/15 01:39
ANiZan9991: 手機那種風格,圓角、霧面漸層、視窗切換會彈跳 06/15 01:39
pda2001: https://youtu.be/lhLLctGACiY?t=27 最新的預覽版 06/15 01:56
rockmanx52: 也還好啦 就NT系平均壽命 06/15 07:05
rockmanx52: 除了xp撐了13年以外其他都是10年或11年 06/15 07:07
allen65535: 一代好一代爛(X) 只有XP和7好(O) 06/15 08:21
bartwang: 喔,對,Me是98之後的,年代久遠有些混了,抱歉 06/15 09:30
hun820723: W10控制台轉設定都還沒完全轉乾淨就要推11,就不要又 06/15 10:31
hun820723: 跟1507版w10一樣是半成品 06/15 10:31
hun820723: 不過確定搞11的話,希望21H2完成度能做好,然後就讓w10 06/15 10:39
hun820723: 轉延伸支援到EOS了。要再搞新功能就到11去搞,讓10安靜 06/15 10:39
hun820723: 過完餘生吧。 06/15 10:39
book8685: 1511沒有很爛阿 感覺22H1還會發一版 06/15 15:05
hun820723: 11要出的話 那我希望21H2就是最後一版 之後就專心解bug 06/15 17:55
hun820723: 跟提供安全性支援到EOL 06/15 17:55
hun820723: 畢竟如果要走回10年生命週期老路,w10今年已經滿6年了 06/15 18:00
hun820723: ,就算現在進延伸支援也夠本了 06/15 18:00
decorum: 我win7用到終止更新才換10 還留一台xp機 因為有個資料庫 06/15 18:46
decorum: 只能用xp 06/15 18:46
jksen: 說好的最後一版Windows呢QQ 06/15 22:20
hun820723: 就是要推新的系統帶動換機潮才賺阿 06/16 00:27
hun820723: 不然繼續維護w10能從消費市場賺的終究有限 06/16 00:33
leafland: 理想當然是推動換機,但Win11沒料還是會爆炸的 06/16 00:47
leafland: 說到底到現在也沒半個特殊賣點出現,頂多換UI而已 06/16 00:48
smallreader: #1WoFMVM9 (PC_Shopping) 一代好一代爛大概猜對了 06/16 03:37
ksng1092: DIY族群自己本來就會定時換機了,品牌機筆電族群也不會 06/16 10:19
ksng1092: 因為看到新OS出了去買一台新的,那到底是能帶動什麼換機 06/16 10:19
ksng1092: 潮XD 06/16 10:19
twVent: 換機潮可能是指企業?不過至少也要好多年吧 06/16 10:27
hun820723: 不給你免費升級就能帶動換機潮了啊 06/16 10:42
ksng1092: ???不是就不升級嗎XD 06/16 10:50
hun820723: 逼用戶換機簡單阿,不要臉一點的話,直接標明僅支援Cof 06/16 10:51
hun820723: fee lake後的CPU就可以打死一堆15-17的舊機了 06/16 10:51
ksng1092: 樓上是覺得大家都迫不及待要裝11嗎XD 06/16 16:59
ww: 換UI根本是缺點不是賣點 06/16 17:27
cbunsg: 所以之後不會再強迫更新嗎XD 06/16 20:19
smallreader: 你什麼時候有了10就不再強迫更新的幻覺(X 06/16 20:27
hun820723: 就看發表會時微軟對10的安排囉...... 06/16 22:35
hun820723: 我是希望21H2還是要有,最好讓10/11的UI看起來差不多, 06/16 22:38
hun820723: 然後就讓使用者自行選擇 06/16 22:38
hun820723: 想繼續半年玩一次的就升11,受夠了的可以選擇不升,就 06/16 22:42
hun820723: 剩安全性維護到2025 06/16 22:42
pda2001: 目前21H2預覽版(21390) 圖示和外洩的win 11(21996) 06/16 23:42
pda2001: 幾乎一樣 就開始選單左下和置中差別 06/16 23:42
baneking: 正版受害者來了 06/23 21:34
david5192003: 我才剛買了彩盒 這樣要退貨嗎@@ 06/24 02:11
payhaun: 不是說11只是換了外觀的10 XD 06/25 11:30
meteor9: 2025年10月停止的是主流支援還是延伸支援? 06/25 16:50